
Some Didn’t Vote for Reagan

* With regard to Ken Khachigian’s comments in the Sept. 14 edition, I hardly know where to begin.

There are--believe it or not--some people who actually live in Orange County who never, yes, never, voted for Ronald Reagan for anything.

There are people who do not believe in the “dribble down” theory of income redistribution or in building huge budget deficits. He will get the credit as there will be no problem remembering Ronald Reagan for many years as we pay down the deficit.


It seems to me that the comments of this former speech writer would be much better put to use if offered at fund-raisers and political conventions, or perhaps an infomercial.

Maybe even on a new channel or cable television, like the “TBC”--The Baloney Connection.

I am, as both an American and human being, saddened by the fact that Ronald Reagan is suffering with a debilitating disease. My heart goes out to him and his family.

I do not, however, share Khachigian’s unswerving devotion to the “Reagan magic” that occurred while he maintained “custody” of the presidency or even going back to the time when he sat in the saddle up in Sacramento.


But even I must admit that I sure did like him on “Death Valley Days.”


