
4.0 Aftershock Rattles Mountain Area Near Big Bear Lake

A magnitude 4.0 earthquake, another aftershock of the Landers-Big Bear quakes of 1992, struck a mountainous area nine miles southeast of Big Bear Lake on Friday, Caltech scientists reported.

The San Bernardino County sheriff’s station at Big Bear said there was neither damage nor injuries from the 3:37 p.m. temblor. Several smaller quakes also occurred in the area Friday afternoon.

Caltech seismologist Egill Hauksson said Friday’s quake was centered only 2 1/2 miles from the epicenter of the magnitude 6.6 Big Bear quake that occurred just three hours after the main 7.5 Landers quake June 28, 1992.


Hauksson said the new jolt was centered about eight miles under the surface.

There have been more than 66,000 aftershocks of the Landers quake, and Friday’s was the 193rd of at least magnitude 4.0.
