
Special Devices Inc. Seeks More Space

Special Devices Inc. has asked for permission to build an additional 35,000 square feet of buildings for its headquarters under construction in eastern Moorpark.

The company, which designs and manufactures explosive devices used in detonating automotive air bags and missiles, wants to expand beyond the current 131,200 square feet it had planned for its facility at 14370 New Los Angeles Ave. The expansion request will be considered tonight during the City Council meeting.

The city staff has recommended the council approve the request.

“We’ve tried to cooperate with them,” said City Manager Steve Kueny. “They have plenty of room . . . [The building’s] on 24 acres of land. The land is certainly large enough to support the building.”


The company, which has outgrown its facility in Newhall, broke ground in Moorpark in February. Special Devices was close to moving to Mesa, Ariz., but was wooed to Moorpark with special tax breaks, reduced fees and other incentives.

Construction crews are grading a section of the company’s 285-acre property. The company expects to bring 600 jobs to Moorpark when the plant opens next year.
