
Joel Wachs

Re “Mahony Assails Wachs for Seeking Arena Vote,” Sept. 10:

The nerve and arrogance of L.A. City Councilman Joel Wachs to say that he will straighten out Cardinal Roger Mahony’s “misconceptions” about the new sports arena! The cardinal understands the project perfectly well, and the long-term good and positive influence it will bring to the downtown area and to our entire civic image.

It is time for Wachs to desist from subverting our political process for his own political purposes and let our elected officials do their job. It is time to proceed with the arena.


Sherman Oaks

I’m just a working stiff and I never finished my college degree, but my impression is that taxes are public funds and that spending public funds without public approval is simply taxation without representation. Wachs has garnered more respect and admiration from me than any of his political contemporaries. I applaud Wachs’ efforts, and am glad someone is concerned about our citizens’ participation in the democratic process and our ability to at least voice an opinion when it comes to the very tax dollars we spend with every piddling paycheck.


Cardinal Mahony, with all due respect, should be ashamed of himself for two things. Number one, for the comment that direct democracy can be a “foolish” way to make public policy. His opposition to Wachs’ position is opposition to democracy itself. Two, I realize a new cathedral is great, but how about refurbishing the old one? The city landmark, remember? Oh yeah, we don’t get a vote.



How dare Cardinal Mahony insert himself into the sports arena controversy? He doesn’t pay taxes. If he is so gung-ho about the project, maybe he can prevail upon the church to donate the St. Vibiana site to the developers. Not large enough for an arena, perhaps, but a profit-generating parking lot might satisfy some of the developers’ lust for our tax dollars.


Los Angeles
