
A Few Dollars Help KCET

Why is Mark Leviton complaining about the “increased use of commercials” (“Commercials on KCET,” Calendar Letters, Aug. 23)? KCET published a questionnaire in a recent edition of the program guide asking viewers for their opinions on this very subject. Perhaps he didn’t read the guide and missed it or perhaps he’s not a subscriber and wasn’t aware of it, in which case he shouldn’t complain because he’s receiving the programming free.

If everyone who watched public television and listened to public radio contributed a few dollars a month, these stations wouldn’t have to scramble and go to the corporate sector to fund the programs that Leviton and many others enjoy. Better yet, why not a little box on the income tax return forms with a Yes/No to indicate whether a couple of our tax dollars should/shouldn’t go to public broadcasting? Perhaps that’s too simple for complicated government to understand.

Al Jerome has done an outstanding job of directing KCET on a financially stable course without, it seems to me, inflicting commercials per se on the viewing public, just a few frames of automobiles and stage coaches.



Los Angeles
