
Simi’s Tandberg Data Expands IBM Contract

Tandberg Data in Simi Valley has expanded its 10-year-old manufacturing contract with IBM for its MLR1 tape drives.

IBM will sell the Tandberg tape drive on the new IBM series of e-system and e-server AS/400 models. The IBM announcement comes on the heels of an agreement with Sun Microsystems to use the new Tandberg SLR5 4/8GB tape drive.

The MLR1 was introduced last fall. It offers complete backward read and write compatibility with the more than 6 million quarter-inch cartridges already in use.


IBM’s new AS/400e family of processors includes four new models. According to IBM, the new models offer more functions, higher performance and a dramatically better price than previous offerings.

Tandberg Data is a subsidiary of Tandberg Data ASA of Oslo, Norway.
