
No Injuries? That’s the Ticket

It’s a good-news, bad-news situation. Good news, Coach Bob Toledo said Thursday, is that everybody who has been playing lately for UCLA is without injury and available for Saturday’s game at Stanford.

Bad news, because some who have traveled in the place of others who have been injured, are being left at home.

“It’s a good sign. We’re in good physical condition,” Toledo said before he was called into a meeting to explain exactly what that meant.


Durell Price, the third-string fullback but a starter on three special teams until he injured an ankle three weeks ago, was being told by Gary Bernardi, assistant coach, the facts of Pacific 10 life.

Pac-10 rules allow a traveling party of 60 players.

Price is not one of the 60 for the Stanford trip and it will be the first time he has not traveled in his two seasons at UCLA.

“It’s a tough thing,” Bernardi said. “If you’re going to contend for a championship, you need to be healthy. But that also means that everybody you would like to take can’t go, and if you’re injured and somebody else takes your place and plays well, sometimes it’s hard to get back.”
