
Health Seminar Will Focus on Diabetes

The 60,000 people with diabetes in Ventura County are invited to an all-day educational seminar aimed at those with the illness, along with their friends and families.

The seminar will run from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday at the Oxnard Hilton Inn. The $5 registration fee covers both the seminar and lunch.

“The illness is a big public health problem locally,” said Tami Outterbridge of the American Diabetes Assn. “It affects close to 10% of Ventura County’s population. And one in every seven Latinos [has] the illness, while it affects one in 20 people generally.”


Doctors, nurses and dietitians who are diabetes specialists will address topics such as: The Latest in Diabetes Care, Exercise and Wellness; New Treatments and Trends; and Cooking and Carbohydrate Counting.

Local sponsors of the seminar include United Way of Ventura County, Santa Paula Memorial Hospital, Simi Valley Hospital, the Port Hueneme Naval Medical Clinic and St. John’s Pleasant Valley Hospital.

For more information on the seminar, call 988-2865.
