
Council Requests Plan for Troubled District

City officials will ask a developer to draft a proposal for the overhaul of the Jackson-Fillmore district, which is one of the city’s most crime-plagued neighborhoods.

City Council members informally agreed Monday to let the Neighborhood Improvement Task Force seek the proposal from the Related Companies of California in Irvine.

The city task force, composed of police and inspectors for health, fire and building codes, has targeted specific neighborhoods for more than a year, with Jackson-Fillmore tops on its list.


“Jackson-Fillmore is loaded with all the things the task force was formed to combat--crime, blight and landlords not working together,” said Rick Warsinski, community services director.

The Related Companies was chosen to draft the proposal because it has successfully rehabilitated neighborhoods in other cities, said Rich Atkinson, the task force program coordinator.

Under the plan, the company should have a proposal in three to four months.
