
City Cites Christian Group’s Warehouse

A spokeswoman for Piecemakers Inc. said her communal Christian group will probably not correct alleged code violations at a warehouse that supplies a large Adams Avenue craft store.

“We’re just going to find another warehouse,” said Anne M. Sorensen, whose group opposes city regulations it believes interfere with its business. “It would be a burden to correct the violations. There’s no way we could get it done in 30 days.”

The Logan Avenue warehouse’s property owners have asked the Piecemakers to correct the violations or face eviction proceedings. The city requested that the alleged violations, which include storing large quantities of flammable liquid, be corrected this week.


Fire Marshall Tom MacDuff said the violations are serious but pose no immediate threat to public safety. Sorensen and the Piecemakers are fighting another citation for hosting a musical without a permit.


Warehouse Worries

Costa Mesa inspectors have cited Piecemakers Inc. with more than a dozen violations at a warehouse that supplies the group’s Country Store on Adams Avenue. The Christian communal group contends it was told the warehouse was fine two years ago and cannot comply with pressure from the property owner to remedy the problems in 30 days or face eviction proceedings. According to the inspection report, the alleged violations include:

* Building modifications made without permits or inspections.

* Construction and operation of a fully outfitted wood shop without a permit.

* Adding plumbing without a permit.

* Storage of large quantities of flammable liquid, such as paint, lacquer and thinner, without a Fire Department permit.


* Hazardous wiring.

* Lack of ventilation in bathrooms.

* Lack of clearly defined exit paths.

* Fire extinguishers that have not had annual service inspections.

* Improper use of extension cords.

* Improperly constructed stairs.

* Storage of materials too close to a ceiling.

* Lack of correct warning signs identifying flammable liquids.
