
Council Will Join Business Leaders’ Efforts to Upgrade

City Council members voted unanimously Tuesday to join an effort by business leaders who are planning improvements for Thousand Oaks Boulevard.

The council directed city staff to work with the newly formed West Boulevard Business Group to fine-tune improvements the group has suggested for the west end of the boulevard.

When finished, those plans will be forwarded to the City Council, which will decide which ideas will be adopted and how much money will be allocated to pay for them.


Councilwoman Linda Parks said she is encouraged that business leaders are finally coming together to tackle growing problems in the city’s oldest commercial district.

“Revitalization is one of the goals that we’ve set as a council, but I’d much prefer to see them in the driver’s seat,” Parks said.

Susan Duntley, president of the business group, also was pleased. “It’s the most activity I’ve seen in 10 years, so this is very encouraging,” she said.
