
Vigil Held in Memory of Girl Slain in Casino

A candlelight vigil was held Monday night in Leimert Park in honor of Sherisse Iverson, the South-Central Los Angeles girl who was killed in a bathroom of a Nevada casino last May.

Monday would have been the girl’s 8th birthday.

“We are calling attention to all the violence that is going on with our kids,” said Yolanda Manual, mother of Sherisse. “The message is to stop the violence.”

Tribute also was paid at the vigil to Selwyn LeFlore, the 9-year-old boy who was killed Oct. 6 by a stray bullet in Compton.


“We need to come up with a solution to end these killings other than to lock down an entire city,” said community activist Najee Ali, referring to the recently imposed curfew on minors in Compton.

Jeremy Strohmeyer, the Long Beach teenager who is charged with murdering Sherisse, has pleaded not guilty and is awaiting trial. Strohmeyer’s classmate, David Cash Jr. of La Palma, testified before a grand jury in August that he saw his friend assault the girl in a stall inside the women’s restroom at the Primadonna casino resort. Cash said he met Strohmeyer 30 minutes later, and Strohmeyer told him “I killed her.”
