
Laugh Lines

Competition to form new cities began after Pete Wilson signed a law making it easier to secede from Los Angeles. Advises Bob Mills, “One ground rule will be strictly enforced. No new city will be allowed to annex land that officials can’t see through the smog.”

* “Wells Fargo announced plans to put Starbucks shops in seven of its California branches. Here’s how it works: Every time Starbucks sells a cup of coffee in a room where a financial transaction takes place, the Democrats get a royalty.” (Steve Voldseth)

* “Raul Castro will succeed his brother, Fidel, as leader of Cuba,” says Alan Ray. “Experts predict he’ll keep the country heading in the same direction--to Florida.”


* SEND US A LINE: Got a joke? Send it to Laugh Lines by fax, (213) 237-0732, or mail, Life & Style, Los Angeles Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles, CA 90053.
