Help With Breast Cancer
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* Y-ME: National organization for breast cancer information and support. It’s staffed by breast cancer survivors. Twenty-four-hour hotline: (800) 221-2141. Web site:
Local chapters in Long Beach, Palmdale and Orange County.
* American Cancer Society’s Breast and Cervical Cancer Health Services Directory: A free 64-page English / Spanish directory offering information and a county-by-county list of screening facilities in Southern California. To order, call (800) 706-3131 through Nov. 15. Also available at local offices of the American Cancer Society and California Family Health Council.
For general information on cancer, call the American Cancer Society at (800) ACS-2345, or visit its Web site:
* Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation: Private, national organization whose mission is “to eradicate breast cancer as a life-threatening disease” through funding research, education, screening and treatment.
Volunteer networks nationwide, including chapters in Los Angeles and Orange counties.
For help and information, call volunteer hotline, (800) IM AWARE (462-9273), 7 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Web site:
* Revlon/UCLA Breast Center, 200 UCLA Medical Plaza, Suite B265, Los Angeles, CA 90095; (310) 825-2144. Medical treatment and referrals.
* Rhonda Fleming Mann Resource Center for Women With Cancer, 200 UCLA Medical Plaza, Suite 502, Los Angeles, CA 90095; (310) 794-6644. Web site: resource-center. Supports groups for women with all kinds of cancer. Also offers journal-writing and stress-management classes.