
Obituaries - Oct. 10, 1997

Borin, Irwin S., 63, of Northridge, retired electrical engineer for Litton Industries. Eden Mortuary, Mission Hills.

Cabrera, Santos, 41, of San Fernando, cook for L. A. Farms. Forest Lawn, Hollywood Hills.

Drewiske, Florence E., 89, of Van Nuys, retired accountant for Union Oil. Forest Lawn, Hollywood Hills.

Drorian, Albert G., 83, of Glendale, retired civil engineer for National Iranian Oil Co. Forest Lawn Mortuary, Glendale.


Hawkins, Kathryn G., 94, of Glendale, homemaker. Forest Lawn Mortuary, Glendale.

Hill, Constance, 87, of Glendale, retired chief purchasing agent for Glendale Federal Savings. Forest Lawn Mortuary, Glendale.

Hurst, Ken L., 58, of Glendale, retired painting contractor. Kiefer & Eyerick Mortuary, Glendale.

Johnson, Richard W., 79, of Newhall, retired maintenance worker for the U. S. Department of Interior. Santa Clarita Mortuary, Newhall.


Lutizetti, Gloria M., 83, of Granada Hills, homemaker. Forest Lawn Mortuary, Glendale.

Maline, Frances Lillian, 88, of Sun Valley, retired private-duty registered nurse. Eckerman-Heisman Funeral Service, Burbank.

Moore, George E., 80, of Glendale, retired printer. Forest Lawn Mortuary, Glendale.

Oki, Masami, 79, of North Hollywood, retired landscape gardener. Valley Funeral Home, Burbank.

Petoyan, Arthur Sarkis, 71, of Northridge, retired physician. Bastian & Perrott Mortuary, Northridge.


Pilikian, Shake, 62, of Glendale, homemaker. Forest Lawn, Hollywood Hills.

Reed, Roland Ray, 89, of Glendale, retired property manager. Kiefer & Eyerick Mortuary, Glendale.

Strazdins, Reimars, 82, of La Crescenta, retired machinist for F.M.C. Forest Lawn, Hollywood Hills.

Veiga, Maria J., 71, of Newhall, homemaker. Santa Clarita Mortuary, Newhall.

Wallace, Stanley, 81, of North Hollywood, retired contract translator for the U.S. government. Bastian & Perrott Mortuary, Northridge.

White, Mary E., 72, of Lancaster, homemaker. Forest Lawn Mortuary, Glendale.

Wickham-McWhirter, Ruth E., 81, of Canoga Park, dietitian. Aftercare California Cremation and Burial Society, North Hollywood.

Zapata Sanchez, Rosa P., 87, of Arleta, retired housekeeper. Rucker’s Mortuary, Pacoima.

Obituaries are published free of charge as a public service to readers. They are based on information provided by mortuaries.
