
Reopening Ceremony: It’s been open for business...

Reopening Ceremony: It’s been open for business since last month, but not officially open. That will change Thursday, when Garden Grove Avenue Elementary School holds its grand reopening amid speeches and splashy student performances. Shuttered for 13 years, the Reseda school has been refurbished to accommodate swelling enrollment.

* QUAKE CLAIMS: Kathleen Jones, above, and other Northridge earthquake victims told a special legislative hearing that they felt betrayed by their insurance companies after the quake. B1

* BODY PIERCING: Gov. Pete Wilson signed a bill, written by Lancaster Assemblyman George Runner, making it illegal to perform body piercing on youths under 18 unless they have parental permission. B1


* BIG IMPRESSION: Last year, Blane Kezirian barely made an impression on the El Camino Real High football team. This year, he’s 3 inches taller and, at 6 feet, 5 1/2 inches, is a starter on both offense and defense. C8

* DRUG COURT: Officials opened the San Fernando Valley’s first drug court, which takes nonviolent offenders and places them in a yearlong residential treatment program. B4
