
Video View

This chart tracks video sales--alternating weekly among an overall view of the market and profiles of individual segments. Sales data include mass merchandisers and retailers but not most discount outlets.


Quality sales, in millions of units

‘97 3rd quarter: 50

Overall Top 10 Companies

Year-to-date share of video sales market through Sept. 28 and current top-selling video for each company:

Company: Disney

Market share: --

Company’s current bestseller: Sleeping Beauty


Company: Warner Home Video*

Market share: --

Company’s current bestseller: Long Kiss Goodnight


Company: Fox

Market share: 10.48

Company’s current bestseller: Casper, A Spirited Beginning


Company: Paramount Home Video

Market share: 8.57

Company’s current bestseller: The Ghost & The Darkness


Company: Columbia

Market share: 8.39

Company’s current bestseller: Annie


Company: Universal Home Video

Market share: 8.20

Company’s current bestseller: Jurassic Park


Company: Anchor Bay

Market share: 2.93

Company’s current bestseller: Halloween


Company: Sony/Sony Wonder

Market share: 2.52

Company’s current bestseller: Elmo Says Boo!


Company: PolyGram Home Video

Market share: 2.28

Company’s current bestseller: Lord of the Dance


Company: Live Home Entertainment**

Market share: 2.25

Company’s current bestseller: Dirty Dancing

* Includes MGM, Turner, New Line and WarnerVision

** Market share ranking adjusted as of this week to list Live Home Entertainment separately from Warner Home Video


Source: VideoScan
