
Cleve B. Bonner; Helped Create Atlantic Richfield

Cleve B. Bonner, 93, who helped arrange the merger of oil giants Richfield and Atlantic Refining into Atlantic Richfield. Born in Horton, Kan., Bonner was educated at the University of Kansas and practiced law in Wichita. He began his oil industry career in 1936 as an attorney for Sinclair Refining Co. in Kansas City, Mo. A year later he joined Richfield Oil Corp. and over 30 years there served as an attorney, a corporate secretary, director, vice president and treasurer. At the time of the merger of Richfield and Atlantic Refining Co. into Atlantic Richfield Co., now known as Arco, he was elected treasurer. Bonner was instrumental in acquiring the property for Arco Plaza in downtown Los Angeles. After his retirement, he worked for many years with the Carrie Estelle Doheny Foundation, as director and, beginning in 1975, as president. He was also chairman of the St. Vincent College of Nursing at St. Vincent Hospital in Los Angeles, a regent of Loyola University in Los Angeles, a Knight of Malta and president of the Men’s Garden Club of Los Angeles. On Sept. 26 in Santa Barbara.
