
Bank Foils Telephone Sweepstakes Scam


The caller told the 86-year-old woman she had won $100,000 in a Reader’s Digest sweepstakes Tuesday, but there was one hitch: She had to pay $7,700 in taxes up front, Orange police said.

“She kind of thought it was funny, but she went to the bank anyway,” Lt. Ed Tunstall said.

Bank officers, recognizing a scam, told her not to withdraw her money and persuaded her to call police, Tunstall said.

“The banks are aware of scams against the elderly, and they’re trained to keep their eyes out for that,” he said. “Legitimate companies are never going to ask for money up front like that. Assume it’s a scam unless you find out otherwise.”


The swindlers never arrived at the woman’s home to collect the money, Orange police said. Detectives interviewed three men, but have not arrested them.

Now investigators are asking for information from anyone who has received a similar call, in the hope of gathering more evidence.

Tunstall said the con men typically ask for money in advance, promising to return with the prize winnings, but then disappear. He said anyone who is suspicious about a telephone solicitation should ask for identification, other documentation or a phone number to call back, which legitimate companies are glad to provide.


Anyone with information about the sweepstakes scam is asked to call Det. Alex Varga at (714) 744-7512.
