
Cutting the Red Tape to Get Jobs Abroad

Working abroad can be more than just fun and travel. The jobs can be an asset in your future career search.

The major stumbling block is getting permission to work. One way to cut the red tape is through a work-abroad program operated by the Council on International Educational Exchange. In 1998 the CIEE will operate programs in Ireland, France, Germany, Canada, Costa Rica, Spain, Australia and New Zealand.

In the U.S., the nonprofit, nongovernmental CIEE, has arrangements with foreign countries to provide work authorization to U.S. students. The programs are open to full-time students who are at least 18 years old. Each year approximately 25,000 students participate in CIEE work-abroad programs.


The program doesn’t find you work; it assists you with getting legal permission to work. But to make your search easier, CIEE provides a program handbook and the assistance of an overseas resource center with job, housing and budget travel information. Program fees range from $225 to $900 depending on the country and services. CIEE estimates that 85% of the students seeking work obtained employment in less than 10 days.

The Work Abroad program for Ireland enables students to work at any time during the year for up to four months. The fee is $225. A complete travel package combines program services and a round-trip flight from Los Angeles for $1,290.

Europe-bound students who are at the intermediate level in French can work in France at any time of year for up to three months. The program fee is $640. With air fare it is $1,050. You’ll also need some German language skills for the Germany program, which costs $730, or $1,305 with air fare. This allows you to work in Germany for three months between May 15 and Oct. 15. A year-round internship program is also available for Germany. Students with good Spanish language skills can work for three months in Spain between May 1 and Oct. 31. The program fee is $785 and, with air fare, it is $1,310.


South Pacific-bound students can work for up to 12 months in Australia. This program is limited to 100 people per year, and participants must change jobs at least every three months. The program fee is $900, and with air it is $1,280. The New Zealand work abroad program allows you to work any time between April 1 and Oct. 31. The program fee is $800, or $1,150 with air fare.

You can work in Costa Rica for up to three months between June 1 and Oct. 1. The program fee is $550, with flight for $930.

Program fees for working in Canada remain at $225. You can work any time of the year for up to five months. The program plus flight between Los Angeles and Toronto is $635. For Vancouver it’s $425.


The package rates are quoted with fares based on midweek departures. The Council advises participants to have a minimum of $750 to cover expenses until the first paycheck.

For more details, call CIEE at (888) 268-6245. Their most recent issue of Student Travels Magazine contains 16 pages of details on the work abroad programs. The CIEE is on the Internet at You will be able to apply for work-abroad programs directly through this Web site after Jan. 1, 1998.

For additional resources about travel/work experiences, “The Back Door Guide to Short Term Job Adventures” by Michael Landes (Ten Speed Press, $19.95), covers thousands of paid, volunteer and intern opportunities in the U.S. and foreign countries. Landes includes lots of helpful hints for pursuing and landing the type of position you want.

The bulk of the 486-page book describes opportunities in North America; however, there is also a “Goin’ Worldwide” section where you’ll learn about foreign opportunities. Ideas include how to apply for a staff position on the Universe Explorer, a teaching ship that cruises around the world, or how to apply as an activity instructor (sailing, rafting, environmental studies) at kids’ camps in Britain, France and Spain. Listings include who to contact and what fees or salaries are involved.


Izon is a Toronto-based freelance writer. She can be reached at
