
Income Up for Barbeques Galore

Barbeques Galore Ltd., a retailer of barbecues and barbecue accessories, reported that net income for the third quarter more than doubled to $416,000, or 9 cents a share, from $201,000, or 5 cents a share, a year earlier. Sales for the quarter ended Oct. 31 increased 14% to $31.7 million from $27.8 million.

Net income for the nine-month period totaled $312,000, or 7 cents a share, contrasted with a net loss of $662,000, or 14 cents a share, for the first three quarters of the prior fiscal year. Sales advanced 16% to $86 million from $74.4 million.

The company owns and operates 33 stores in the U.S. and 32 stores in Australia. There are also six franchised stores here and 45 licensed stores in Australia.
