

American Diabetes Assn. Western Region (serving California and Nevada): (213) 966-2890.

* American Diabetes Assn., national headquarters, 1660 Duke St., Alexandria, VA 22314: (703) 549-1500.

* To order ADA books, catalogs or the Buyer’s Guide to Diabetes Supplies: (800) 232-6733.

* For ADA subscription and membership questions: (800) 806-7801.

* The ADA’s Web site:

* The Diabetes Information & Action Line: (800) 342-2383.

* The Juvenile Diabetes Foundation: (800) 533-2873.

* For help in controlling blood sugar, write the National Diabetes Outreach Program, 1 Diabetes Way, Bethesda, MD 20892-3560, or call (800) 438-5383.

* For vision-impaired diabetics, information is available from the American Council of the Blind: (800) 424-8666.


* For diabetic amputees, information is available from the American Amputee Foundation: (501) 666-2523.

* For diabetics interested in participating in sports, call the International Diabetic Athletes Assn.: (800) 898-4322.

* The Center for the Partially Sighted in Santa Monica offers services and consultations to help diabetics with vision problems. Among the programs: a psychotherapy service to facilitate emotional adjustment and attitude change and an education program on diet, exercise and glucose monitoring. For more information, call (310) 458-3501.


* A complimentary issue of the Diabetic Reader, a semiannual publication covering the latest advances in diabetes therapy and management, can be obtained from Prana Publications. A subscription costs $5 a year or $15 for as long as Prana keeps publishing the Reader. To order call (800) 735-7726 or e-mail [email protected].

* The Jenny Craig Diabetes Cookbook--372 pages of recipes--has been published by Oxmoor House. The book costs $17.95 and is available at Jenny Craig International centers or by calling (800) 423-1321.

* Next month: Get out the tissues, Ma! It’s Cold & Flu Month.
