
Powwow to Benefit Chumash Center

Bring your drums and dancing spirit to a powwow hosted by the Oakbrook Regional Park Chumash Interpretive Center on Saturday and Sunday.

Arts and crafts, food, raffles and pony rides will mark the occasion, and Apache, Fox Nation, Ohlone and Kiowa dancers will perform throughout the day.

The head man dancer this year is Saginaw Grant of the Sac and Fox nations.

At 1:30 p.m. both days, visitors will have a chance to learn about the different tribes and their regalia during special presentations.


“It’s a very colorful event,” said interpretive center chairman John Valenzuela.

Admission is $5 for adults and $3 for children and seniors. All proceeds will benefit the interpretive center, including the school programs and field trips it offers area children.

Last year, the third annual powwow raised $15,000, Valenzuela said.

The powwow begins at 10 a.m. both days at 3290 Lang Ranch Parkway.

In case of rain, the powwow will be rescheduled to Nov. 22 and 23.

For a taped recording of directions call 492-8076.
