
Disneyland Names New Ambassadors to World

In continuing a 33-year tradition, Disneyland selected two employees Wednesday as 1998 ambassadors to the world for the theme park and resort hotels.

The new ambassadors are Oscar L. Carrasco of Anaheim, from the stage management department, and Dorothy P. Stratton of Burbank, of the employee development department at the two Disney hotels.

Other Disneyland employees considered for the honor were Laurie Brown, Orange; Angelique Gianas, Placentia; Pilar Hamil, Fullerton; Kelley Maggetti, Laguna Hills; Clayton Prescott, Anaheim; Mary Shearin, Seal Beach; John Van Winkle, Long Beach; and Susan Wade, Huntington Beach.


Carrasco and Stratton will serve one-year terms as goodwill emissaries and official hosts for the resort. The ambassadors also will select a community cause to support and will continue in their jobs.

Through their travel, volunteer work and community service, the ambassadors “bring the spirit of Disneyland to thousands of people worldwide,” Disneyland Resort President Paul Pressler said.
