
10-Year-Old Winning the Fight of His Life


No more needles, no more hospital visits and, best of all, no more pain for 10-year-old Jordan Presley. The leukemia that began to invade his body three years ago has gone in remission.

After recently receiving his last chemotherapy treatment, the Huntington Beach boy celebrated life Saturday with a houseful of friends and family.

“I feel good,” Jordan said, after giggling and wrestling with classmates in his grandmother’s backyard.


At age 7, Jordan received a diagnosis of acute lymphocytic leukemia, a cancer that attacks the white blood cells. The potent oral and intravenous chemotherapy treatments he had to undergo caused his muscles to ache and his hair to fall out, induced skin rashes and wilted his spirit.

Jordan would scream, hyperventilate and try to fight off the doctor during extensive treatments, said his mother, Yolanda, 31.

“I hated staying in the hospital,” Jordan said, brushing his bangs from his eyes.

But all that is behind him. Jordan no longer needs chemotherapy. Periodic medical checkups are still required because there is a chance the leukemia will flare up again.


“The worst is over,” said his mother. “I have faith he will stay healthy. I keep a positive outlook because death is not an option.”

Relatives and friends describe the Presley family as survivors. Before Jordan fell ill, his younger brother, Jared, received a diagnosis of pelvic cancer when he was 17 months old. Jared’s cancer has been in remission for several years, but the 8-year-old also needs regular checkups.

The boys’ medical expenses have drained their parents’ finances. At one point, they lost their home, cars, furniture and other belongings.


The overwhelming pressures have also strained their marriage. The Presleys are separated, and the boys live with their mother. Michael Presley said he tries to see his sons daily, and keeps abreast of their health by regularly talking to his wife.

Presley, a professional guitarist, performed with his band at Saturday’s party. “It’s been really hard,” he said. “We’ve gone through a lot, but things look hopeful. Jared’s been well, and now Jordan’s body is healing.”
