
Plans for North Campus

* What a delight to learn that Cal State Northridge is now actively looking for entertainment production facilities and high-tech industries to locate on its North Campus (“Research Park May Fill Void at CSUN,” Nov. 1). This is a much better use of the property than the shopping center concept promoted by the school for the past two years.

The new tenants will provide revenue to the school and can provide on-site internships and training opportunities that will greatly assist the school in its primary function of educating 25,000 students.

Since the entertainment business is now one of the primary industries in the Valley, CSUN is an overwhelming logical choice for a campus that can quickly become a world-class learning institute for students who want to make a career in motion pictures or television.


CSUN President Blenda Wilson and the rest of the board members of the North Campus / University Park Development Corp. are to be congratulated for their forward-thinking vision. Let’s hope the Valley’s commercial real estate brokers have the same kind of vision, and start scrambling to make this project a reality for the 21st century.


Chairman, Planning and Land

Use Committee, Northridge

Chamber of Commerce
