
Community College Board

* Re “Bill Seeks to End At-Large Selection of College Board,” Nov. 4.

Congratulations to staff writer Nancy Hill-Holtzman for pointing out our lack of representation on the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) board of trustees. She hit the bull’s-eye when she wrote that the trustees owed their election to the financial help of the teachers union. She neglected to also condemn the voters for not paying any attention to the LACCD trustee elections. Perhaps if we had our local representation, more of us would pay some attention to these elections and take control of the district from the faculty and staff. They seem to care little about anything but their salary.

And congratulations to Assemblyman [Tony] Cardenas and Trustee [Gloria] Romero who support this bill to give equity in community colleges throughout the state to the people who most care about them.


Studio City
