
Expansion Issues

* Re “Why the Expansion Issue Is Important,” Oct. 26.

I was genuinely pleased to read Stacey Murphy’s balanced, accurate and reasonable discussion of the Burbank Airport expansion issue.

For too long, the views of those who wish to make sure any expansion takes account of the needs of the outlying communities have been distorted and misrepresented.

In addition, the Airport Authority and the FAA have too long been able to wield the old shibboleth of “impossible” restrictions on the airport. Murphy’s article neatly pierces the tired and unpersuasive arguments that have been trumpeted by the authority as well as editorialists at The Times.


When the authority charges that Burbank and the other communities under the airport’s flight path are asking for a compromise that cannot be achieved, they should be made to recognize that the reason for that failure is a lack of will on the part of the authority and the FAA, not a lack of authority to achieve the compromise.

They might be reminded of the Shakespearean rejoinder: The fault lies not in our stars but in ourselves.


Member, Part 150 Study

Advisory Committee

Studio City
