
Toastmasters Contest Winners Announced

Members of the Ventura County, Conejo Valley and Simi Valley Toastmasters clubs took part in the annual Division B Humorous and Evaluation Speech Contests.

In the Humorous Speech category, trophies were awarded to Rick Rollino (first), Bill Philipson (second) and Ken Bolton (third).

In the Evaluation contest, the winners were Scott Williams (first), Joe Obregon (second) and Greg Brown (third).


Honorary Cal Lutheran Alumnus Named * Gordon Randolph of Thousand Oaks was selected as an Honorary Alumnus by California Lutheran University’s Alumni Assn. during recent homecoming festivities. Randolph served as director of facilities for 12 years and as manager of campus security for one year before retiring earlier this year.

Board Announces ‘Heroes of Diversity’ * The Ventura County Cultural Diversity Board honored 10 people and four organizations at its recent “Heroes of Diversity” awards banquet.

Individual honorees:

Charles Cohen, for development of the Commission for Human Concerns.

Teresa Elenes, for work in immigration and naturalization.

Ronald Gold, for advocacy assistance to displaced Camarillo State Hospital patients.

Lester Goldberg, for dedicated service to the hungry and homeless.

Harry Lee, director of the Ventura County Leadership Academy.

Dr. David Lewis, for combating adolescent drug use.

Tina Rasnow, for youth and family advocacy.

Cliff Rodriguez, for bilingual education programs.

The Rev. Beth Ann Suggs, for promoting multicultural harmony.

William Thrasher, for promoting racial understanding.


Community for Unity, a group of parents and families who have lost children to random acts of violence and are working to promote nonviolent conflict resolution.


Mesa Educational Foundation, for creation of multicultural fine arts program.

United Jewish Appeal/Federation of Ventura County, for the “Teaching Tolerance Program.”

Ventura County Pro Per Clinic, for providing equal access to the legal system for all Ventura County residents.

Student From Oxnard Wins Scholarship * Linda Heidenrich of Oxnard was awarded the Billy G. Ingram Memorial Scholarship. The $1,000 award is given annually to a Rio Mesa High School senior who has displayed academic excellence, volunteer involvement and an excellent work record. Heidenrich entered UC Davis as a freshman in September.

The scholarship was established in 1989 in memory of retired Lt. Cmdr. Bill G. Ingram, U.S. Navy.


Awards and Honors is compiled by Rodney Bosch. Please address items to Awards and Honors, Los Angeles Times, 93 S. Chestnut St., Ventura 93001. Items can also be faxed to The Times at 653-7576 or 653-7548.
