
Council Stalls Decision on Changing in Restrooms

The City Council has delayed indefinitely a decision on regulating what Councilwoman Pam Julien called “Superman changes.”

The council recently considered updating the city ordinance regulating dressing and undressing in public to prohibit people from changing swimsuits in private restrooms with public access.

Representatives of Ruby’s Surf City Diner and the proposed Duke’s Surf City Restaurant at the pier asked the city to address the matter.


But council members--jovial about nearing the end of a meeting already several hours long--had a hard time taking the issue seriously.

Julien asked if there was a dire need for the ordinance.

“I’m sure there are people who change in the restroom and do it decently,” she said.

“I did it the other day,” Councilman Dave Garofalo offered.

“I’m glad you shared that with us all,” Julien joked.

Then Councilman Tom Harman asked if the prohibition on changing clothes extended to diapers. “Would that be an ordinance violation?”

The council planned to revisit the issue at its meeting Monday, but has since postponed its review of the ordinance indefinitely. City law already prohibits changing in and out of bathing suits in public restrooms and other places.
