
Living for the Moments


Ron Dennis has lived with HIV for at least 12 years--and with AIDS since 1990. Yet he dances around the Highways stage as if he’s hardly lost a day of training.

The precision with which he recalls his age, 52 3/4, indicates how much he appreciates the significance of every moment. Dennis’ life--as depicted in his solo show, “Don’t Grab the Gowns Until You See the Gurney!”--is inspirational in that regard.

Growing up, he encountered homophobia and racism. Yet he found a home in musical theater. The “Gowns” title refers to the advice he gave his “La Cage aux Folles” understudy, who was preparing to go on after Dennis had suffered a slight accident.


Dennis is best known for creating the role of Richie in “A Chorus Line.” Here he performs Richie’s “Gimmie the Ball,” assisted by Bill Schneider’s keyboards. In this and in his own musical numbers, his voice sounds more affected by time than his dancing. Although the words and melodies are clear, don’t expect Broadway belting--but then it isn’t necessary in this intimate venue.

Generally, Dennis’ vitality is remarkable. He doesn’t attempt to reenact the most agonizing chapters of his saga. He refers to repeated hospitalizations, rattles off medical jargon and includes a spoken passage of reflections that occurred to him while hospitalized. But this section is somewhat abstract. Details remain distant.

It’s understandable that he’s reluctant to dwell on the pain, but his story could use a little more shaping to enhance its natural drama. It might benefit from stronger characterizations of a few of the other people who were with Dennis along parts of his journey.



“Don’t Grab the Gowns Until You See the Gurney!,” Highways, 1651 18th St., Santa Monica. Friday-Sunday, 8:30 p.m. Ends Sunday. $15. (213) 660-8587. Running time: 1 hour, 10 minutes.
