
Career Tune-Up


Once upon a time, published novelists considered themselves professional writers, even if they had to do other things to earn the rent. But today’s popular novelists include lawyers, doctors, engineers, cops and politicians. And joining their ranks is Barbara Seranella, “auto mechanic to the stars.”

After working for 12 years as a mechanic at the Brentwood Texaco station, servicing the cars of show business celebrities, Seranella quit to write mysteries.

She took writing courses and began the research for “No Human Involved,” a gritty, novel noir set in nearby Venice, published by St. Martin’s Press.


Seranella, who also writes the “Car Care Tips” column for Desert Woman magazine, will sign books at noon Saturday in Mysteries to Die For, 2940 Thousand Oaks Blvd., Thousand Oaks.


Bookstores are popular meeting places for proliferating book clubs, and a particularly hospitable environment is provided by Borders, 125 W. Thousand Oaks Blvd., Thousand Oaks. The biography group will meet at 10:30 a.m. Friday to discuss the lives of Eleanor and Franklin D. Roosevelt. The creative options group meets every Friday at 1:30 p.m. Their inspiration is Julia Cameron’s “Artist’s Way.”

The late Carl Sagan’s book, “Demon Haunted World,” is the focus of the Spirituality and World Religions group, which meets at 7 p.m. Tuesday at Borders. The store also hosts political science, contemporary, mystery and classic book discussion groups. Call 497-8159 for details.



If you wish to perform poetry--your own or the work of other poets--join the Simi Valley Library Poetry group’s open readings at 7:30 p.m. Saturday at the library, 2969 Tapo Canyon Road. A cash donation or a good used book for the Friends of the Library bookstore is always welcome but not required. Call 522-1178.


Chicken soup cures colds, and warms the hearts of authors and publishers. That’s because the “Chicken Soup” series of books continues to “fly off the shelves,” according to bookstore folk. Kim Kirberger, co-author of “Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul,” will sign at 8 p.m. Saturday in Barnes & Noble, 160 S. Westlake Blvd., Thousand Oaks.


Who among us does not wonder about our ancestors? The computer is now a wonderful tool to use in the search for roots.


Lloyd Budwig will describe the new “Ultimate Family Tree” genealogy software program at the Conejo Valley Genealogical Society meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday at Conejo Valley Adult School, 1025 Old Farm Road, Thousand Oaks. Call 497-8293.


Laura Kath Fraser of Summerland, author of seven books, has just signed with Renaissance Books to write a “Guide to the Best Romantic Getaways in the USA.” She is seeking recommendations on hotels, restaurants and activities for inclusion in the book. Submit suggestions to Guide, P.O. Box 5842, Santa Barbara 93150-5842.


In Santa Barbara

IN SANTA BARBARA: There may still be openings in Duane Unkefer’s popular “Advanced Fiction Workshop,” which begins Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. and continues every Tuesday through Oct. 7 at San Antonio Village Clubhouse. Call 967-1150 for details.

* Frances Halpern and Jon O’Brien are co-hosts of “Beyond Words” at 10 a.m. Sundays on KCLU-FM (88.3), Ventura County’s National Public Radio station.
