
Responsibilities of Gun Ownership

* Re “S. County Girl, 12, Shot in the Neck by Friend,” July 19:

In the United States, the unintentional firearm death rate for children under the age of 15 was nine times higher than among the children in the other 25 industrialized countries combined. In Orange County, there were 90 unintentional firearm injury hospitalizations and three deaths in 1995. Firearm injuries (homicide, suicide and unintentional) are the leading cause of death for young people from 1 to 19 in California.

Orange County Citizens for the Prevention of Gun Violence does advocate and inform the public about legislation that will help prevent gun violence, including safe storage laws and reducing access to guns to minors, the mentally ill and criminals. We also provide many fine educational programs, including gun safety awareness for school children in classroom presentations and parent meetings.

Gun ownership is a serious decision, and we encourage the community to be fully informed on the very real risks and responsibilities of such ownership. Lives are literally at stake.



Chair, Orange County Citizens for the Prevention of Gun Violence

Mission Viejo
