
Mexican Elections

Re Carlos Fuentes’ “Death of the Witch of Fear,” Commentary, July 10: I would like to share observations and impressions about the recent Mexican elections. I joined a group of 25 volunteers who traveled to Mexico to observe the elections. Global Exchange of San Francisco organized this with Alianza Civica, an independent, plural and nonpartisan organization that works to promote the democratization of Mexico. I was fortunate to be sent to Chiapas and then transported by truck to the Lacandon jungle. The community I visited was Taniperla.

I was shocked to see the enormous military presence--two huge bases, including tanks and hundreds of trucks. The military was told to stay out of sight on election day. But I heard stories from two workers from the Fray Bartolome Human Rights Center. They spoke of the intimidation by the military, frequent patrols and violence.

These people, whose forebears built one of the greatest pre-Columbian civilizations, now live in a kind of de facto statelessness. They have virtually nothing in the way of government services, political power or economic opportunity There was a low turnout in the community I observed. The Zapatistas advised people not to participate in a process where they’ve been so completely marginalized. As my fellow Bostonian said, “Those who make peaceful resolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable.”



