
5 School Employees Fight Demotions, Reassignments

Five Inglewood school administrators demoted or reassigned from their jobs are seeking preliminary injunctions that would keep them in their positions.

On Tuesday, a Los Angeles Superior Court judge took under consideration a request for a preliminary injunction that would block the reassignments of Hollis Dillon and Walter Cruz, Special Services Department directors, and Karen Peters and Debra Tate, assistant principals at Inglewood High School. The Inglewood School Board wants to dismantle the Special Services Department and reassign Peters and Tate to middle schools.

A separate injunction is being sought by Inglewood High School Principal Kenneth Crowe, who objects to his demotion to a teaching position. It will be heard July 24.


The administrators believe they were demoted because they supported school board candidates who opposed the rehiring of Supt. McKinley Nash, said their attorney Mansfield Collins. Nash was rehired shortly after a new board was installed.
