
Throw the Book at Them

Has it come to this? Disorder in our public libraries has reached a level at which the Los Angeles Library Commission feels compelled to seek arrest authority for its security guards. The state Legislature’s approval would be needed to give the guards limited peace officer status. Sure, it seems extreme, but an old-fashioned “shush” will no longer resolve the problems, which include theft and property damage. Throw the book at people who commit these acts.

If Sacramento approves, library guards--though they will not be allowed to carry weapons--will gain the authority to arrest and transport suspects instead of waiting for police to find time to pick them up. Computerized criminal records would also be available to the officers, a big deterrent to a would-be vandal or thief who has outstanding warrants.

Vandalism, theft and nuisance incidents have risen 10% in the past fiscal year throughout the Los Angeles city system, and public libraries in other areas such as Beverly Hills also report growing problems. The once-gleaming Redondo Beach Main Library marked its second anniversary Tuesday and already eight of the 10 tables in the community meeting rooms have been so defaced they have had to be replaced. As a result, the Redondo City Council approved a charge of at least $5 per hour to use the rooms.


Alas, there are plenty of places where rowdies and vandals misbehave. Better security would help draw the line at libraries.
