
Michael Jackson

Re “It’s Vintage Jackson on Last Daily Show,” July 4: I was deeply saddened to hear Michael Jackson was being relegated to a weekend slot and replaced by a simulcast from San Francisco.

I discovered Jackson some 25 years ago and have been a loyal listener since. Jackson has always had his finger on the pulse of L.A. He has kept us informed and entertained. He has always been the crown jewel of KABC.

In the past couple of years I’ve listened to many changes at KABC and have come to the conclusion that senior management doesn’t know what it’s doing. I’m sorry to say that the integrity and trust KABC has enjoyed over the years have been greatly diminished.



La Verne

KABC president and general manager Maureen Lesourd is quoted as saying that Jackson’s replacement, Ronn Owens, “consistently beats” Limbaugh’s ratings in San Francisco. Wow, really? I would venture to guess that even Donald Duck could beat Limbaugh’s popularity in San Francisco. It is truly unfortunate that one of the most civilized and well-reasoned voices in Los Angeles will be fainter in the future.



How sad and ironic and ominous to learn that Jackson is off the air because Limbaugh’s ratings are higher. Does this mean that in the “marketplace of ideas” reason and civility are not as valuable as bombast and insult? How can our democracy survive if, regardless of something’s truth and importance, we won’t hear about it unless it sells soap or Snapple?

Yes, we still have freedom of speech and you are free to speak to your neighbor. But now broadcasters speak to millions and you are not free to speak to millions unless you can sell a product. Yes, the truth would make us free, but if the truth doesn’t serve a commercial interest, will we hear it?



Laguna Beach

Re your seemingly sympathetic article about Jackson losing his weekday radio show on KABC because of Limbaugh’s popularity, may we who have suffered his snide anti-Reagan, anti-conser- vative remarks rejoice in the parallel of “a flaming liberal going down in flames.”


Marina del Rey
