
Riordan Appoints 12 Nominees to Wide Range of City Boards

Los Angeles Mayor Richard Riordan on Wednesday announced a dozen nominations to various city commissions, including two people who would switch from one advisory panel to another.

Joining the administration for the first time would be Maribel Marin, an environmental planner who is being recommended for a seat on the full-time Board of Public Works. A Woodland Hills resident, Marin serves as senior associate at the Natural Resources Defense Council, and would fill the seat vacated by J.P. Ellman, who served as the board president.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. July 11, 1997 For the Record
Los Angeles Times Friday July 11, 1997 Home Edition Metro Part B Page 3 Metro Desk 2 inches; 47 words Type of Material: Correction
Police Commission nominee--In Thursday’s Times, an Official Business item and a story on nominees to city commissions incorrectly described attorney Gerald L. Chaleff as Mayor Richard Riordan’s nominee to chair the Police Commission. That panel elects its own chairman. Chaleff has been nominated to fill a seat on the commission.

Kenneth Lombard of the Fire Commission is being nominated to oversee the Department of Water and Power panel. Nicholas Stonnington, who previously served on the fire and building and safety commissions, would replace attorney Gerald Chaleff on the Planning Commission. Chaleff has been nominated to head the Police Commission.


Renominations to other commission posts, subject to City Council confirmation, are:

* Gini Barrett, director of the western regional office of the American Humane Assn., to the Animal Regulation Commission.

* Billy Barty, the actor, to the Commission on Disability.

* William Doheny, an asset manager, to be president of the City Employees Retirement Commission.

* Audrey Greenberg, an active supporter of local museums, to the Cultural Affairs Commission.


* William Luddy, political director of a local carpenters union, to the Metropolitan Water District.

* Father P. Juan Santillan, pastor at Our Lady Help of Christians Church, to the Recreation and Park Commission.

* Patricia Schnegg, vice president of the Los Angeles County Bar Assn., to the Airport Commission.


* Robert Scott, Sherman Oaks lawyer, to the Planning Commission.

* Jonathan Thomas, a financial consultant, to the Harbor Commission.
