
Details of James Stewart’s Films Aren’t Lost on His Biggest Fans

While reading Charles Champlin’s well-deserved tribute to the late James Stewart “Innocent, Patriot, Idealist, Romantic,” July 4), I was amazed that Champlin would make such glaring errors in describing two of the actor’s roles.

In “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington,” the pile of telegrams he collapses into were not “supportive.” In fact, when he grabs a handful, he refers to them as lies. In “The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance,” he plays an attorney, not a newspaper editor. The quoted “When the legend becomes fact, print the legend,” comes at the end of the film from another character, a newspaper editor.

I suggest Champlin spend an evening re-watching both films, a task to be fondly embraced.

Stewart will truly be missed.


