
City to Broadcast Fourth Festivities on Internet

City expatriates around the world will be able to watch their hometown’s Fourth of July parade this year. It’s being broadcast over the Internet.

Windows 95 and at least a 28.8 kbps modem are required, city spokesman Rich Barnard said.

With those, Net surfers everywhere--including Huntington Beach’s sister cities of Anjo, Japan, and Waitakere, New Zealand--will be able to watch the parade by logging on to the city’s home page:

The parade also will be on the World Wide Web home page for KOCE-TV:

The station is making its live TV broadcast of the festivities available over satellite for PBS stations nationwide.


The parade also will be broadcast live over the city’s government-access cable channel, HBTV-3.

Barnard said he is not aware of any other cities that have broadcast similar events live over the Internet.

He said it is the first step in the plan to offer City Council meetings and other events live on the Internet.


“The parade is simply a statement of what can be in the future,” he said. “The technology isn’t something that’s 10 years off or 20 years off. The technology is here.”

The city’s 93rd Fourth of July parade will be from 10 a.m. to noon Friday.
