
Her Regime? Basically, It’s Nothing Special


If there is an art to working out, then actress Jennifer Grant is a minimalist.

“You can do yoga anywhere and you don’t need any special outfit. You can get fancy with a mat and a towel but that’s basically it,” the 31-year-old daughter of actors Dyan Cannon and Cary Grant explained.

“Walking is something like yoga--put on your shoes and walk. That’s all you need,” said Grant, who recently finished shooting “Legal Tender,” an independent feature.

Question: Are you studying yoga or doing it on your own?

Answer: I took classes for five years, and it came pretty naturally for me so now I can do my own routine. It’s an easy form of exercise for me. I mean, Dad was an acrobat so I guess the flexibility is in the genes somewhat.


Q: Your dad’s pratfalls were the best. You ever tried physical comedy?

A: I had to do some last summer. I would run on the stage and jump on my knees and fall flat--constantly--and I wore kneepads under my skirt but I was so bruised up. But it was really fun. You get so involved, you don’t notice until afterward when you look at your body and ask, “Oh, my God, what am I doing?”

Q: Any other exercises?

A: Sometimes I use an exercise bike for stress. I love swimming but I’m not a go-to-the-pool type girl. Last summer I would go to the lake every chance I got--just run and jump in and swim. I’d go when it was raining. It was such a joy. The big sky full of clouds. Just beautiful. Oh, and I don’t like doing weights, but I do them for an hour once or twice a week. I don’t even know if I like the look--I like the natural look more--but I’m stronger in everything else if I keep up the weights.

Q: What’s your diet like?

A: I watch what I eat--everything in moderation--but I don’t exclude anything from my diet. Breakfast--fruit, omelet and I love bagels. I like to write in the morning so I usually get a cappuccino somewhere and sit and write. Then, really, I follow what my body wants: fish, chicken, meat, salads. I love pizza. I love chocolate and sharing desserts with people. I have to say the one thing I can’t do--diet food. I can’t get into fat-free cookies or any of that stuff. I’d rather have a real one.


* Guest Workout runs Wednesdays in Life & Style.
