
Suspect Caught After Computer Takes a Spill

Police chased a burglary suspect Tuesday on the San Diego Freeway after the man was discovered trying to put a stolen computer into his truck, authorities said.

Charles Wendell Williams, 38, of Inglewood allegedly threw a concrete chunk through a glass door to break into Laser Products in the 18300 block of Mt. Baldy Circle, Fountain Valley Police Lt. Larry Griswold said.

Officer Dan Llorens heard the business’s alarm go off at 2:51 a.m. and spotted the suspect carrying a $3,000 computer system.


Williams placed the system into the back of a stolen 1997 Chevrolet Suburban and fled without securing the tailgate, Griswold said. The computer fell out before he drove onto the northbound San Diego Freeway at Euclid Street, he said.

Williams abandoned the Suburban on the freeway at Brookhurst Street, ran across the center divider and tried to hide in roadside bushes, Griswold said. Fountain Valley, Garden Grove and Westminster officers captured him and took him to Orange County Jail, where bail was set at $10,000.
