
Conservancy to Meet on Crystal Cove Resort

A $20-million resort planned for Crystal Cove State Park will be the subject of the Laguna Canyon Conservancy’s monthly meeting on Monday.

The environmental group has yet to take a position on the 12-acre project, said Carolyn Wood, president of the 9-year-old conservancy. But group members fear that projected high room rates would make the resort inaccessible to most people, she said. Wood also is concerned that redevelopment would lessen the historical significance of the beachfront cottages, some of which were built in the 1930s.

Ken Colombini, a spokesman for the state Department of Parks and Recreation, is expected to give a presentation on the project. Laguna Beach’s new mayor, Steve Dicterow, also will address the group.


The meeting will be at 6 p.m. at Tivoli Terrace restaurant on Laguna Canyon Road. Information: (714) 497-1884.
