
Auto Club Offers Free Towing Tonight

To help ensure a safe New Year’s holiday, the Automobile Club of Southern California will offer free towing for drunk drivers and passengers from 6 tonight to 6 a.m. Thursday.

Bartenders, restaurant managers, party hosts or passengers of a drinking driver can call for the service and receive a free tow home, up to seven miles. Auto Club membership is not required for the service, spokeswoman Deborah Nelson said.

“It’s for anybody who needs to have the help,” she said.

Concerned parties can call from anywhere in Southern California.

The Auto Club estimates that a first-time conviction for driving under the influence can cost about $11,000 in fines, penalties, fees restitution, legal and insurance costs.


Those who call should tell operators “I need a Tipsy Tow” to receive the free service. The number is (800) 400-4AAA.


Playing It Safe

Some suggestions on how to avoid drunk-driving problems:


* Designate a nondrinking driver before an event begins

* Call a friend or family member for a ride when driving would be impaired.

* Keep a taxi company phone number in your wallet/purse

* Celebrate at home or at a neighbor’s house within walking distance



* Offer a variety of nonalcoholic beverages and give gifts to designated-driver volunteers

* Take away car keys from those who have had too much to drink

* Call (800) 400-4AAA for a free tow up to seven miles (from 6 p.m. today to 6 a.m. Thursday)

Source: Auto Club of Southern California

Researched by JOHN CANALIS / For The Times
