
City May Fund Study of Bridge Alternatives

The City Council on Monday will consider spending $115,000 to find alternatives for two county-proposed bridges across the Santa Ana River into Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley.

One bridge would link 19th Street in Costa Mesa with Banning Avenue in Huntington Beach. The other would connect Gisler Avenue in Costa Mesa with Garfield Avenue on the Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley border.

In response to massive neighborhood opposition, the council voted in 1993 to oppose the county’s 1957 highway plan that calls for the bridges, which have yet to receive planning funds.


The council will consider picking up the bulk of a $200,000 environmental impact study, Costa Mesa City Manager Allan L. Roeder said. The county and some neighboring cities would pay for the rest.

The study would look at three options: scrapping the bridge proposals; building only one; constructing one at 17th Street.

The meeting starts at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall. Information: (714) 754-5276.
