
Groups Offer Free Rides for New Year’s Eve Revelers


By tow truck, minivan, “road angel” or even by limousine, you can get home tonight if you’ve had too much to drink celebrating the start of 1998.

In most instances, the services are free.

E.J. Jackson, the owner of a limousine service near Los Angeles International Airport, summed up the reason Tuesday that several public and private organizations are offering free rides for New Year’s Eve revelers:

“If we can save one life, we should do it.”

According to the Automobile Club of Southern California, more than 204,000 drivers in California are convicted each year of driving under the influence.


The Auto Club is among the groups offering free rides and tows tonight.

From 6 p.m. to 6 a.m., the association will operate a “Tipsy Tow” program for anyone who asks for the service, whether that person is an Auto Club member or not.

Club spokeswoman Elaine Beno said calls can be made to a special Auto Club hotline--(800) 400-4AAA --for a free ride home. A free tow home up to seven miles also is available. But after that distance, Beno said, a fee may be charged at the discretion of the tow company.

The Hollywood-based Road Angels has added phone lines to handle tonight’s anticipated calls.


Last year, 120 volunteers took home nearly 430 impaired drivers and their friends in Greater Los Angeles, said Road Angels spokesman Gary Gamponia.

The organization’s “Sober Driver Program” will operate between 10 tonight and 4 a.m. Thursday and can be reached by calling (800) LA ANGEL. For each call, two volunteers will be dispatched--one to take the impaired people home and another to drive the motorist’s car.

“Most accidents involving drinking occur because people who have been drinking don’t want to leave their cars behind,” Gamponia said. “They think they can drive it home.”


The program will operate in Los Angeles and Orange counties and parts of San Bernardino and Ventura counties.

At least one limo service in Los Angeles will get you home free and in style.

In connection with alcohol-free programs promoted by RADD--Recording Artists, Actors and Athletes Against Drunk Driving--Jackson Limousine Service will be offering rides home tonight. In most instances, Jackson said, minivans will be the transportation.

But for others, a free limo, if available, will be provided for a trip within Greater Los Angeles, Jackson said.

Those wanting a ride with the RADD program can call (800) 522-9955.

In most instances, the wait for that free ride home will be 20 to 30 minutes.
