
Stock Market Barometers

Fundamental and technical indicators of the market’s health

Key indexes vs. their 200-day moving averages:

A stock index’s 200-day moving average indicates the basic trend, up or down. It is generally bullish if the index stays above the average.

S&P; 500 (blue-chip stocks), Friday: 936.46

200-day moving average, Frrday: 894.23


Russell 2,000 (smaller stocks), Friday: 421.49

200-day moving average: 404.61


Price-to-earnings ratio of the Standard & Poor’s 500: 23.0

Based on actual earnings per share, 12 months ended Sept. 30

Average since 1923: 13.5


Dividend yield of the Standard & Poor’s 500: 1.67%

Average dividend yield of blue-chip stocks

Average since 1923: 4.5%


Weekly new highs vs. new lows on the NYSE: 323/187

Data for the week ended Friday. More highs than lows is preferable, indicating a bullish trend.


Investment newsletter sentiment:

Stocks’ near-term trend as predicted by 135 independent investment newsletters, weekly survey by Investors Intelligence. The data are often viewed as a contrarian indicator: A rising percentage of bulls can signal a topping market.


Dec. 19

Bullish: 52.5%

Bearish: 30.8

Correction: 16.7




Bearish: 31.5



Put-call ratio: 0.41

The ratio of stock put options to call options traded last week on the Chicago Board Options Exchange. A low put-call ratio--under 0.40--can be construed as bearish because it indicates a high level of optimism, leaving a lot of room for disappointment.

Source: A.G. Edwards & Sons. More information can be found at on the World Wide Web.
