
Electrical Power Deregulation

Peter King has asked many good questions (On California, Dec. 21). One commentary on this process of deregulation compared it to “going to the bank to get a loan to give yourself a raise.” One must keep in mind that this whole process is being pushed by the largest power users. They expect to save a lot of money. The smaller commercial and residential customers are not going to save anything.

As I look at telephone deregulation, the people who benefited the most were the large long-distance users. My basic phone bill, combined with the long-distance access charge, did nothing but go up. I think the same thing may happen to electricity prices. Who is going to pay the price of setting this whole thing up? The hundreds of millions of dollars that are being spent to set up the grid operator, power exchange (PX) and for paying off stranded assets are going to be covered by the average ratepayer.

The “rate reduction” bonds are really a joke! It also appears (“Computer Woes Delay Electricity Deregulation,” Dec. 23) that the Independent System Operator and PX will not be ready for operation on Jan. 1.



