
Service Held for Youth Killed in Hit-Run


While Los Angeles police detectives continued to investigate his death, a 16-year-old special education student from Watts was buried Friday, a week after two hit-and-run motorists struck the teenager as he crossed Century Boulevard to catch a bus to school.

Bobby Hobdy, a sophomore at Taft High School in Woodland Hills, was returning to school Dec. 19, the last day of classes before the two-week holiday break, when he was killed. He had been home for several days with the flu.

As he crossed Century to catch the bus for the 35-mile trip to the San Fernando Valley, Hobdy was struck by a minivan and thrown 30 feet into oncoming traffic. A second vehicle from the opposite direction then ran over him, authorities said.


Neither driver stopped to aid Hobdy, who died at the scene.

On Friday, about 100 mourners gathered to attend a service for the teenager at the Chapel of Sacred Memories in Lynwood. Among those who spoke was Mark C. Hardie, a special assistant to Gov. Pete Wilson, who read a letter of condolence from the governor.

Hobdy’s family “is taking it very hard,” Det. Eugene Tapia, one of the investigators looking into his death, said after Friday’s service.

The boy was buried at Park Lawn Cemetery in Commerce.

Meanwhile, Tapia and Det. Bill Whittaker were working to locate the driver of the sky-blue 1987 Plymouth minivan that first struck Hobdy. Whittaker said a list of 100 registered owners of Plymouth minivans who live within a five-mile radius of the accident scene at Century and Wadsworth Avenue is being checked.


Although the other students waiting for the bus provided key information about the minivan, including the fact that its grill was extensively damaged, Whittaker and Tapia said they still need the public’s help .

The minivan driver is described as a black man between 28 and 32 years old.

“There’s got to be someone out there who has seen that minivan and can help us with one telephone call,” Whittaker said, noting that there is very little information about the second auto.

A reward for information about the accident is being offered, Whittaker said.

Police detectives can be reached during normal business hours at (213) 485-2088 or after hours and during weekends at (213) 485-7336.
