
Notes about your surroundings

Needlework--Your Christmas tree is a work of art now, but what do you do with it after the season? Bob Guthridge, president of the California Christmas Tree Assn., says there are a number of options to help the environment. For example, the trunk and branches can be used as mulch for gardens, parks or in animal stalls. Check with the local department of public works for information on mulching programs.

Waste Watchers--Enjoy the holidays, but make it a greener season, advises the California Integrated Waste Management Board. Cutting back on waste sent to landfills is simple, says Daniel G. Pennington, chairman of the waste board. Some suggestions: Use reusable gift bags, recycle your Christmas tree and wrap a gift in another gift, such as a child’s toy in a new school backpack, or baked goods in a cookie tin. For more information, call the recycling hotline at (800) 253-2687.

Nature Notes--The wildlife of Southern California is the subject of a course offered at Orange Coast College during the spring semester. The course focuses on the identification, behavior and management of the Southland’s mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds and tide pool organisms. Class meets Tuesday evenings from 7 to 10 p.m. Spring semester classes begin Jan. 20, with registration resuming after the holidays on Jan. 5. Registration information: (714) 432-5072.


Polar Expedition--Santa lives there in comfort, but how do animals survive at the north pole? Find out at Santa’s Science Lab offered at the Birch Aquarium at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in La Jolla. It’s open Friday through Dec. 31, from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and is included with aquarium admission. Information: (619) 534-3474.
